muziek & video


Tenth Avenue North - Losing 

Why do we think that hate's gonna change their heart?
We're up in arms over wars that don't need to be fought
But pride won't let us lay our weapons on the ground
We build our bridges up but just to burn them down
We think pain is owed apologies and then it'll stop
But truth be told it doesn't matter if they're sorry or not
Freedom comes when we surrender to the sound
of mercy and Your grace, Father, send Your angels down

Video: Caitlin Jane - Unborn

My life here is at your mercy, don't you see.
I am unborn, my entire life ahead of me. I am your baby.
The world awaits my cry and breath, I long to be held in your arms mommy.
God's depth of love for you is everlasting. In the dark, or in the light,                     He'll never leave.

Video: John Elefante - This Time

"You're not taking this one! She's Mine!
She'll grow up and seek My name.
You're not taking her! She's Mine!
And you're not taking her this time.
No, you're not taking her this time."

Trinity - Move My Heart 

Is there a melody, a song to sing
To turn your winter into spring
A song that wipes your tears away?
You move my heart as I move yours

You're the melody, the song I sing
To turn this winter into spring
You're here to wipe all tears away
You move my heart as I move Yours

Steffany Gretzinger - Promise I Always Will (video & lyrics)

A Worthy dream

Take me back to the beginning
And I would look you in the eye
There was no such thing as a cold shoulder
And we lived within your hands and mine 


A Worthy Mission

Before we burn down all our bridges
Let’s look a while at what we’ve built
And we’ll take turns asking for forgiveness
And watch our love grow deeper still

Noa (Achinoam Nini) - The Eyes Of Love

The eyes of love
Don't know your name
Don't see the color of your skin
The eyes of love
Don't know where you've been
The eyes of love
Don't know your age
Don't see the lines you try to hide
The eyes of love
See only what's inside

the LORD seeth not as man seeth;
for man looketh on the outward appearance,
but the LORD looketh on the heart.
(1 Samuel 16:7 KJV)


NEEDTOBREATHE - More Heart, Less Attack

The more you take the less you have
'Cause it’s you in the mirror staring back
Quick to let go slow to react
Be more heart and less attack

Theory Hazit - Distorted Joy 

Message Behind The Video

Do you gaze upon the troubled souls around you
with compassion or contempt?

When you see people who are broken, worn-out & oppressed
are you moved towards prayer or pride?

Have you considered God's mercy towards you?

Our pride and contempt is no less offensive
then the sins which offend us the most.

Mordechai Shapira - B'Yachad 

I can get up and stand
If someone holds my hand
Then I can walk along my way
I like to talk to you
And when you listen to
Whatever I have got to say

We can all sing B’yachad Yachad
We’re creating B’yachad

De betekenis van het woord B'Yachad (יחד) is samen, bij of met elkaar

Thina Simunye - Children of Agape Choir

Thina Simunye betekent, we zijn samen 

Gad Elbaz ft The Holocaust Survivor Band - Shine On 

Shelo Shelo Yichbeh
Shelo Yichbeh
Nero Leolam Vaed

שלא שלא יכבה
שלא יכבה
נרו לעולם ועד

Let the light shine on
The light shine on
Shine forever more

Wat Mozes zijn volk leerde, was dit: je moet leven met het verleden, maar niet in het verleden. Zij die gevangen gehouden worden door woede tegen hun vroegere vervolgers, blijven gevangenen. Zij die hun identiteit laten bepalen door hun vijanden, hebben de vrijheid nog niet bereikt. 

(Uit "Niet in Gods Naam door Jonathan Sacks. Jaar van uitgave: 2016)


Nicola Benedetti performing the theme song from the movie Schindler's List 

Oskar Schindler was a modern Noah … he saved individuals,
husbands and wives and their children, families. It was like the saying: To save one life is to save the whole world.
...In 1944, he was a very wealthy man, a multimillionaire. He could have taken the money and gone to Switzerland
… But instead, he gambled his life and all of his money to save us.
(Poldek Pfefferberg, een overlevende uit de tweede wereld oorlog die in de fabriek van Oscar Schindler heeft kunnen werken)


Todd Agnew - Corner in Memphis

'Cause we are all broken here
And we're are all ashamed
I couldn't fool you if I wanted to
Our stories are too much the same

And what about this Jesus?
They say He drank with the poor and the blind and the lame
Do you think He'd like the songs that we sing?
Or would He feel the same as I do?

Compassion Art - Friend Of The Poor 

Friend of the poor help me through the night
Help me in the fight, come to my rescue
Friend of the poor take these skin and bones
Make this heart a home, come to my rescue
Friend of the poor

Compassion Art - There Is Always A Song 

I don't know how to breathe
I don't know how to leave you
I don't know what to say
And who am I to say it anyway
But there is always a song
And I'll try to sing along over you
I can hear it being sung
All of heaven sings along over you

Tenth Avenue North - For Those Who Can't Speak

I have dreamed of a kingdom coming where
Evil drowns in mercy streams
I want to see those rivers of justice
So I use my voice for those who can’t speak
I will use my voice for those who can’t speak

 Video: Bebo Norman - The Broken 

God of the universe
Do you hear the cries
That pour out from all the earth?
Can your hands of glory
Reach down and heal the hurt
Of the broken? 

Pink Floyd - On The Turning Away (beautiful video)

No more turning away
From the weak and the weary
No more turning away
From the coldness inside
Just a world that we all must share
It's not enough just to stand and stare
Is it only a dream that there'll be
No more turning away?

Britt Nicole - Gold 

So, don't let anybody tell you that you're not loved
And don't let anybody tell you that you're not enough
Yeah, there are days that we all feel like we're messed up
But the truth is that we're all diamonds in the rough
So, don't be ashamed to wear your crown

You're a king, you're a queen, inside and out
You glow like the moon, you shine like the stars
This is for you, wherever you are

Video: Brandon Heath - Give Me Your Eyes 

Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me Your love for humanity
Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me Your eyes so I can see